August 29, 2023

August 29, 2023

August Board of Regents meeting in Juneau to focus on budgets and Alaska’s blue economy

(JUNEAU) - The University of Alaska’s (UA) role in Alaska’s blue economy, workforce development, and economic recovery will be prominent themes during Thursday’s Board of Regents Meeting at the University of ˝űÂţĚěĚĂSoutheast (UAS) campus in Juneau. The 2-day agenda includes committee meetings, review of initial FY25 budget plans, and a robust discussion on addressing the university’s backlog of deferred maintenance.

“UA is an economic engine that is empowering ˝űÂţĚěĚĂthrough affordability and accessibility, student success, community impact, and innovation and excellence,” said UA President Pat Pitney. “Students are responding to the increased stability and increase in quality program offerings across our system - and that’s exciting to see. I’m looking forward to welcoming an even larger class to UA this fall.”

Regents will take a first look at the university system’s FY25 budget estimates and considerations, including the key priority areas from each university. The discussion will touch on enrollment and research progress. Overall, Fall enrollment estimates show a 4% increase over last fall semester and 10% more new freshmen compared to last year's freshmen class.

During the board’s Goals and Measures discussion, Regents will explore how priorities they identified during their spring retreat tie into broader system goals and individual university strategic plans, including the metrics that can be used to track progress in each area. 

The Regents will take an in-depth look at the university’s role in developing Alaska’s mariculture and aquaculture industries in a new segment of Did You Know

“The UA system is poised to support the development of new industry and business, while providing the education and training for the workforce that will be required,” Pitney said. “UAS is a uniquely positioned leader and partner in that space, and Juneau is the perfect place to hear about the opportunities for and success of Alaska’s Blue Economy.”

Chancellor Daniel White will follow that discussion with additional information on the University of ˝űÂţĚěĚĂFairbanks’ (UAF) progress toward achieving tier 1 (R1) research status. R1 status is a designation defined by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education; attaining it signifies a major milestone. R1 Universities are acknowledged to be at the forefront of research and innovation, and are a beacon for top-tier students, staff, and faculty worldwide.

President Pitney will also present the “Staff Make Students Count” awards.

During Wednesday committee meetings, the Audit and Finance Committee (8:00 a.m.) will hear an overview of the Audit and Consulting Services Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report and hear from external auditors. The Facilities & Land Management Committee (10:30 a.m.) will review the 2023 Campus Master Plan for UAF College of Rural and Community Development and Community and Technical College, Land Management status report, and continue a discussion about the university’s outstanding deferred maintenance backlog. In the afternoon, the Academic & Student Affairs Committee (1:00 p.m.) will approve academic degree recipients, consider academic program changes, review accreditation reports, and hear an update on the Student Information System modernization project.

All committee meetings and the full board meeting will be held in Juneau, at the UAS Student Recreation Center, Room 116; the agenda is available online.

All meetings, except any executive sessions, are public and will be livestreamed

The University of ˝űÂţĚěĚĂBoard of Regents is an 11-member volunteer board, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the ˝űÂţĚěĚĂLegislature. Members serve an eight-year term, with the exception of the student regent who serves a two-year term. The Board was established through the ˝űÂţĚěĚĂConstitution and is responsible for University of ˝űÂţĚěĚĂpolicy and management through the university president.

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For more information, contact Jonathon Taylor, director of public affairs at 907-350-0168 (cell), or via email at