The New FY22 Wellness Program Year

Aug. 6, 2021

Congratulations to those of you who earned the $600 rebate and/or qualified for the high point raffle during the FY21 Program Year! The wellness rebates will be distributed in your second November paycheck and the high point raffle drawing will take place October 1. As a reminder, you have until September 30 to ensure that all of your points from the FY21 wellness program year were added correctly. If you would like to review your FY21 points, you may do so by:

  • Logging into your PreventionCloud account.
    • Employees may login using SSO found at
    • Spouses/FIPs may login using their PreventionCloud credentials at
      • Username: FIRSTNAMELASTNAMEBirthyear
      • Password: Birthdate in the format MMDDYYYY
  • Scroll down to “Current Points” on your PreventionCloud dashboard
  • Click “Details”
    • In the upper right-hand corner, across from “Incentive Summary,” you should see a drop-down menu that says, “Current Period.”
  • Click on “Current Period” and select “Past Periods.”
    • The “2020 Campaign” is your FY21 program summary. 

If you see that you have not been awarded credit for any activity completed on or before June 30, 2021, please reach out to your program manager, Victoria Carver, at to resolve the issue.

As for now, the new wellness program year has officially begun! Any activity completed between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 will count for the new, FY22 program year. While a lot of things look the same as last year, a few changes have been made to the program requirements for this year.

To qualify for the FY22 wellness rebate, participants must: 

  • Complete the Online Health Risk Assessment (1 point)
  • Complete a Biometric Screening (1 point)
    • The home test kits are being offered again this year and are open for orders through "Events" on your PreventionCloud dashboard. If you choose to complete your screening using a home test kit, you must order your kit by June 1, 2022.
    • The lab voucher form has been updated and is available under “Quicklinks” on your PreventionCloud dashboard. Bring this form to your local LabCorp facility and they can complete the screening for you.
    • If you choose to have your screening done through your primary care physician, make sure you bring the Physician Visit Packet (from your PreventionCloud dashboard, click on “Activities” and scroll down to “Biometric Screening” to access).
  • Earn 5 additional points (7 points total).

To qualify for the high point raffle:

  • Complete the rebate requirements and earn an additional 5 points (12 points total).  

A few more updates:

  • A COVID vaccine attestation will be added to the PreventionCloud site very soon. This activity will be separate from the Adult Immunization Attestation activity. I will send out a follow-up email when that has been made available.
  • We will once again be offering 4 worksite challenges at different points throughout the program year. The first challenge will occur in October and an email will be sent out announcing the challenge, requirements, and dates in September.
  • The FY21 Biometric Screening (3 out of 5) Activity is now worth 3 points.

For more information on the various activities available and how to receive credit for them, please check out the updated Program Manual that can be found on your PreventionCloud dashboard.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your wellness program manager, Victoria Carver at