Performance Management

Dear University of Staff and Supervisors,

With the start of the new calendar year, it is time to begin the staff performance evaluation process. Performance evaluations engage supervisors and employees to discuss expectations and provide coaching and support to align individual goals with their departments and the University of Alaska. 

Job Duties and Job Competencies

Performance is based on two factors - job duties and job competencies. Both are critical to long-term employee effectiveness.

  1. Job Duties - WHAT the employee is hired to do

  2. Job Competencies - HOW effectively the employee completes the job duties.

Goal Setting, Performance Phase, and Review End Evaluation

There are three parts to performance evaluation.

  1. Discuss job duties, competencies and establish performance period goals.

  2. Meet and document mid-cycle conversations between supervisor and employee on goals and competencies.

  3. Assess performance and achievements. 

Staff evaluations are to be completed no later than June 30, 2020. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring evaluations are completed for their team members. It is UA’s goal that 100% of staff members receive an annual performance review.  

This year, there are several options for completing performance reviews:

Option One: myUA Dashboard Performance Review

While “Performance Review - FY20” was not centrally initiated for employees through myUA this year, employees still have the option to complete performance reviews through myUA. If you have supervisory responsibilities as part of your job duties, supervisors should select the “NEW Supervisor Performance Review”. Non-supervisors should select “NEW Non-supervisor Performance Review”. Please do not use an earlier (FY18, FY19) version. Those who have already started a review using an earlier version, please complete it. Once a review has been started, please follow the guide in myUA to complete the review process. 

Additional information is available at /myua/, under “myUA Performance Module Training Materials”.

Option Two: Paper/PDF Performance Review

As an alternative to myUA, supervisors can complete paper or PDF performance reviews. Some departments currently have standard evaluation forms. Human Resources has provided one as well at /files/hr/performance_appraisal_form_ent.pdf. Please send the completed performance evaluation to your department HR Coordinator. If you do not have an HR coordinator or are unsure who your HR Coordinator is, please contact us at or 907-450-8200.  

Please contact, 907-450-8214 if you are experiencing technical difficulties.


Steve Patin, Chief Human Resources Officer