Use passphrases for added security
Strong passphrases (or passwords) are key to protecting your personal information online. Making your passwords as strong as possible helps keep your information, and the university’s systems, more secure.
- Make your passphrase a sentence: A strong passphrase is a sentence that is at least
12 characters long. Focus on positive sentences or phrases that you like to think
about and are easy to remember (for example, “Monday sudoku is my favorite!”). On
many systems, you can even use spaces!
- Unique account, unique passphrase: Having separate passphrases for every account helps
to thwart cybercriminals. Always make sure that your critical accounts have unique
and strong passphrases.
- Document it and keep it safe: Everyone can forget a passphrase. Keep a list that’s
stored in a safe, secure place away from your computer. You can alternatively use
a service like a password manager to keep track of your passphrases!
- Never use personal information: Your name, someone you know, and miscellaneous facts
about you could be guessed or discovered through a breach.
- Never use common single words or strings of numbers: Dictionary words are easily guessed.
The number one most breached password in 2020 (according to ) was '123456' which was used by 2,543,285 people.
- Never share your passwords with anyone: Protect your identity and sensitive personal information by keeping your password private.