Campus Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Clery Act) and Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act 2008
October 6, 2023
The Campus Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, as amended, (known as
the "Clery Act" ) and the Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act signed into law in
2008 require that colleges and universities provide timely warnings of crimes that
represent a threat to the campus community, to publish an annual security report and
an annual fire safety report, distribute the reports to all students and employees,
and inform prospective students and employees about the reports. The reports contain
descriptions of campus policies and programs relative to campus security and statistics
concerning specific types of crimes and fire safety information.
The purpose of both acts is to inform students and employees of the incidents of crime
and fire and the policies and procedures to prevent crime and fire or to report occurrences
of crime or fire at institutions of higher education. The laws are also designed to
encourage the development of security and fire prevention policies and procedures
and to establish uniformity in reporting of crimes at all such institutions. If you become aware of an allegation of criminal activity, we encourage you to report
to Campus Security Authorities and the police. CSAs are required to report allegations
of criminal activity to police.
The information required by the law, as well as additional information relating to
campus safety (including Title IX), security and fire, can be found on the UAA, UAF,
and UAS web sites at the following locations:
The Annual Campus Security & Fire Safety Report containing policies and programs relative
to campus security, Title IX, and statistics concerning specific types of crimes and
fire safety information is available at .
The Annual Security Report containing policies and programs relative to campus security,
Title IX, and statistics concerning specific types of crimes and fire safety information
is available at Information specific to sexual misconduct and Title IX is available at: .
The Annual Security Report and crime statistics for all three campuses for the last
three years can be found at: .
Information specific to sexual misconduct and Title IX can be found at: .
Persons who desire a paper copy of these reports will be provided one upon request by contacting:
- UAF—Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability, 3rd Floor Constitution Hall, PO Box 756910, Fairbanks, AK 99775; Phone: 907-474-7300; email:
- UAA—Dean of Students Office, 122 Rasmuson Hall, 3211 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508; Phone: (907) 786-1214; email:
- UAS—Office of Equity & Compliance, Hendrickson Building, Rm 202, 11066 Auke Lake Way, Juneau, AK 99801; Phone: (907) 796-6371; email:
Information on sex offenders may be obtained through the State of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃDepartment of Public Safety link at: