Below you will find HR News for university employees including training, benefits, compensation, payroll, and other news of importance. For news specific to UA Benefits including archived news, please see our Benefits News site.

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  • Human Resources

    UA HR Training & Learning Opportunities

    April 21, 2023

    Be sure to check out the UA HR Training and Development and Benefits Upcoming Events calendars that have an assortment of offerings. Register early to guarantee your place!

  • TouchCare logo

    Learn about benefit changes with TouchCare Open Enrollment webinars

    April 21, 2023

    During Open Enrollment, TouchCare will be hosting multiple live trainings to go over UA benefits. These are a great opportunity to ask questions, become familiar with the plans, and learn about our partner, TouchCare.

  • Text saying Open Enrollment with a time clock

    Participation in Open Enrollment is mandatory for all benefits-eligible employees

    April 21, 2023

    Employees who do not fill out an Open Enrollment form by 5 p.m. May 5 will automatically be enrolled into an employee only basic medical plan with basic dental and vision - even if they have opted out in the past. Email updates will be sent through May 5 to ensure 100% participation.

  • Graphic with text Open Enrollment 2024

    Open Enrollment is April 17 to May 5, 2023

    April 07, 2023

    The Open Enrollment website is now live! The links to the forms will be added on April 17th when Open Enrollment officially starts. The website has extensive information on plan updates for this year, along with how to prepare for open enrollment, documents and resources, and an FAQ section.

  • TouchCare logo

    TouchCare Live Open Enrollment Webinars

    April 07, 2023

    During Open Enrollment, TouchCare will be hosting multiple live trainings to go over UA benefits. These are a great opportunity to ask questions, become familiar with the plans, and learn about our partner, TouchCare.

  • Woman relaxes in a kayak admiring mountains in the distance

    Staff Annual Leave Forfeiture Reminder

    April 07, 2023

    When the University transitions to the new fiscal year annually in July, annual leave balances are rolled over, up to a maximum of 240 hours. UA Human Resources has reviewed the current annual leave balance for staff as of April 3, 2023 and projected how much leave could be earned before the end of this fiscal year. They have notified employees who may have more than the allowable limit of annual leave at the time of the roll.

  • Keyboard with key saying Human Resources

    UA HR Training & Learning Opportunities

    April 07, 2023

    Be sure to check out the UA HR Training and Development and Benefits Upcoming Events calendars that have an assortment of offerings. Register early to guarantee your place!

  • Fishing off the dock in Auke Lake

    Beyond Spring Recess - Time Off for your well being

    March 16, 2023

    Use your leave! Last week, faculty members were notified via email of their current FTO balances. Next month HR will send out direct emails to employees who qualify for Annual Leave or Personal Holiday with current balances.

  • Photo of a table with cash, a check register and calculator

    Notice: UA salaries are public data

    March 16, 2023

    This is a semi-annual notification that certain information about your employment with the University of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃis subject to the ½ûÂþÌìÌÃPublic Records Act and will be released when public records requests are made.

  • A business lunch meeting - group with computers sitting around a table with food

    Monthly Lunch & Learn Program is back for Supervisors!!

    March 16, 2023

    The UA HR team brings back the popular monthly sessions specifically for Supervisors on the last Wednesday of each month.