Announcements of UA system leadership changes, employee recognition and personnel news.

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  • Mary Gower named Chief Equity and Compliance Officer

    June 05, 2020

    Mary Gower was retitled the University of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃChief Equity and Compliance Officer (CECO) on May 20, 2020. Reporting to the President and as a member of the President's Executive Leadership Team, the CECO provides leadership and oversight to the Offices of Equity and Compliance. The position helps ensure that the University of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃis not only compliant in meeting university obligations and responsibilities, but is also proactive, responsive, and collaborative in providing a learning and working environment free of discrimination for faculty, staff and students. Mary Gower was initially appointed Chief Title IX Officer in February 2017.

  • Climate specialist Rick Thoman receives NOAA career award

    June 02, 2020

    Richard "Rick" Thoman, an ½ûÂþÌìÌÃclimate specialist with the ½ûÂþÌìÌÃCenter for Climate Assessment and Policy at the International Arctic Research Center is a 2020 recipient of a NOAA Distinguished Career Award for Professional Achievement. The award recognizes individual NOAA employees -- present and recently retired, such as Thoman -- who have made long-term contributions and commitments to accomplishing NOAA goals.

  • Cameron Wohlford named director of Design and Construction

    May 20, 2020

    Cameron Wohlford has been selected as the director of the Division of Design and Construction. Wohlford has been serving as interim director for the last year and was selected for the position through a regular recruitment process.

  • UAA announces new leadership hires for diversity, academics, research

    May 15, 2020

    As you know, there have been a number of recruitments underway for key UAA leadership positions. I am pleased to announce the university's recent hire of our chief diversity officer, provost and vice provost for research. Some faces are new, while some are familiar to us. I will also share important updates regarding existing personnel.

  • Geophysical Institute director joins space research board

    May 15, 2020

    Robert McCoy, director of the Geophysical Institute at UAF, was elected to the governing board of the Universities Space Research Association, or USRA, in early May. USRA is an independent, nonprofit research corporation that promotes the advancement of space-related science, technology and engineering. USRA operates scientific institutes and facilities, conducts other major research and educational programs and has close ties with NASA.

  • Lawrence Duffy wins award for supporting students in chemical sciences

    May 15, 2020

    Lawrence K. Duffy was the 2020 awardee of American Chemical Society Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences.

  • Robert Ziel receives 2019 Paul Gleason Lead by Example Award

    May 15, 2020

    Robert "Zeke" Ziel, of the ½ûÂþÌìÌÃFire Science Consortium, has been named a recipient of the 2019 Paul Gleason Lead by Example award from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group Leadership Subcommittee.

  • UAA announces new Kodiak College director

    May 15, 2020

    As noted in my email last week, I'm writing to announce that Ms. Jacelyn Keys will join UAA as the director of Kodiak College. Jacelyn has more than 20 years of experience in higher education and has focused on creating a dynamic, vibrant, inclusive, students-first learning environment. She currently serves as the Hermiston Center director at Blue Mountain Community College in Oregon.

  • Kathy Catron named UAF police chief

    May 15, 2020

    Kathy Catron has been selected as the new university police chief after a competitive search. Catron will lead the UAF Police Department after the retirement of Steve Goetz this spring. Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, Catron started her law enforcement career in 1997 after graduating from the Sitka Trooper Academy. After serving as an ½ûÂþÌìÌÃstate trooper, she joined UAF Police Department in 2000.

  • Matthew Cooper named University of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃGeneral Counsel

    May 06, 2020

    University of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃPresident Jim Johnsen has named Matthew Cooper as the university's next General Counsel. Cooper's appointment follows the retirement of UA's current General Counsel Michael Hostina in June. The General Counsel serves as the chief legal officer to the Board of Regents, statewide administration and all campuses throughout the university system.